United to End Homelessness and O.C. Community Succeed in Ambitious Effort to House 30 Homeless Families and Individuals

Spearheaded by Orange County United Way, Effort Inspired Community to Raise $500,000

  • The Money Raised helped with Security Deposits, Move-in Costs, Furnishings and Support Services 
  • Success of Campaign Opens Door for up to 300 Potential Extra Housing Vouchers to Help End Homelessness In Orange County


ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. – October 21, 2019 – In a historic community partnership among business leaders, faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, homeless advocates and apartment owners, Orange County United Way’s United to End Homelessness latest initiative raised half a million dollars in just 30 days and then helped ensure that housing was provided for 30 Orange County homeless families and individuals.

The ambitious campaign used the funds raised to pay for vital upfront apartment-rental fees, including security deposits, holding fees, furnishings, move-in costs and support services.

The success of housing 30 individuals in such a short timeframe also gave our community the opportunity to unlock a potential 300 additional rental vouchers to help Orange County’s homeless population.

“Results like this, especially in such an abbreviated timeline, could only be possible by hundreds of community members and leaders coming together,” said Susan B. Parks, President and CEO, Orange County United Way. “The success of this campaign is an encouraging and inspiring example of the power and impact we can have toward ending the cycle of homelessness in Orange County for good if we join hands and work together for this unifying cause.”

Dubbed the “House 30” campaign, the fundraiser focused on 30 households who were already holding federal housing vouchers. These individuals, all with an adult family member with a disability, needed additional support and funding to cover security deposits, holding fees, furnishings, move-in costs and wrap-around case management – the bread and butter of United to End Homelessness’ WelcomeHomeOC program. The program provides incentives and financial support to property owners and managers to help them feel confident in leasing to voucher-holding individuals and increase the number of available units.

In order to expand the WelcomeHomeOC program to help these 30 individuals and families, $500,000 was needed – or $16,670 per household – a cost significantly cheaper than leaving them on the streets.

Thanks to the generosity of 134 donors, we reached our goal of raising $500,000 in 30 days.

Tarsadia Foundation kick-started the campaign with a donation of more than $133,000.

“The ‘House 30’ campaign gave our community a unique opportunity to make a real lasting impact on the fight to end Orange County’s homelessness crisis,” said Lawrence R. Armstrong, CEO of Ware Malcomb and Chair of the United to End Homelessness Leadership Council. “From individual philanthropists to major corporations and faith-based leaders, this is a tremendous example of how much good can be done and how much of an impact can be made when we all come together to support an important cause.”

Other major donors include $112,690 from St. Mark Presbyterian Church, $25,000 from the Golden Eagle Foundation, $22,000 from St. John’s Chrysostom Episcopal Church, $20,000 from Kaiser Permanente Orange County, and several other multi-thousand dollar donations from individual OC philanthropists.

“It’s been proven time and time again – the solution to homelessness is a home,” stated Parks. “A supportive housing model that includes dignified, humane care and wrap-around support services, when multiplied countywide, can be part of the solution for Orange County’s homelessness crisis.”

To learn more about the United to End Homelessness initiative and its WelcomeHomeOC program, visit https://unitedtoendhomelessness.org/welcomehome.

To support this critical work to end homelessness in Orange County, visit https://unitedtoendhomelessness.org/join-campaign.


Launched in February 2018, United to End Homelessness is led by a diverse group of leaders from Orange County’s top business, philanthropic, governmental, faith-based and nonprofit organizations – all committed to ending homelessness in our community. Our work is grounded in bringing the recommendations of the 2017 UC Irvine study “Homelessness in Orange County: The Costs to Our Community” to life, with Orange County United Way serving as the backbone of this new collaborative effort. Together we are working to bring the issue of homelessness to the forefront of the community’s collective discussion and create civic engagement that will lead to meaningful and lasting results. Together we can and we will #EndHomelessnessOC. For more information, please visit www.unitedtoendhomelessness.org.


Today’s Orange County United Way is doing more for the Education, Health, Housing and Financial Stability of every person in Orange County. More than a fundraiser, we’re hands-on, delivering more than 50 Community Impact programs countywide. We focus on long-term solutions to the most critical interconnected challenges facing local children and families. United Way is doing more to make long-term measurable difference in the lives of children and families right here in Orange County. To learn more or do more with us, visit www.unitedwayoc.org.

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Media Contact: Annie Noebel, anoebel@cornerstonecomms.com, (949) 449-2527