Ending Homelessness
in Orange County
one lease at a time.
About WelcomeHomeOC℠
This housing navigation and landlord incentive program helps individuals, Veterans, and families experiencing homelessness secure housing in private market apartments, reducing barriers and risk for both tenants and landlords.
Landlord incentive programs are designed to encourage housing providers to partner with Housing Choice Vouchers programs by offering benefits and assurances to the providers in order to reduce barriers, many of them financial, for voucher holders. Some incentive programs are managed through the Public Housing Authorities and some, like WelcomeHomeOC, are managed by non-governmental partners.
Incentives vary from program to program depending on funding and the particular barriers in a community.

A Win-Win Solution for Everyone!
The program is a joint effort between the United to End Homelessness℠ initiative, Orange County United Way, Public Housing Authorities, service providers, and rental providers to reduce the time involved in the search for housing by increasing the availability of rental units.

WelcomeHomeOC Property Provider Network
WelcomeHomeOC’s Property Provider Network is a committed group of property managers, owners, and developers who are opening their doors to voucher holders experiencing homelessness with the goal of ending homelessness in Orange County, one lease at a time.

- access to a designated pool of applicants
- outstanding customer service from WelcomeHomeOC staff
- numerous financial incentives (vacancy loss recovery, security deposit, damage recovery fund, and signing bonus)
Property Provider Partner Eligibility
Any person or company that owns or manages residential rentals in Orange County, California is eligible to join the WelcomeHomeOC Property Provider Network as either an Affiliate or Full Member.
We work with owner-operators, for-fee management companies, developer-manager companies, and regional divisions of national management or ownership groups. As long as the property provider has the authority to make leasing decisions for the rental and the ability to accept third party payments, they are welcome to join and access our Network benefits.

Affiliate Member
Our newest offering to property partners features many of the best parts of WelcomeHomeOC, but tailored to those who cannot or aren’t ready to join the Property Provider Network as Full Members yet.
You’ll be able to access the WelcomeHomeOC pool of applicants, receive security deposits and holding fees, and get support after move-in, without reserving the unit for WelcomeHomeOC or signing our participation agreement. You’ll still receive payment for move-in expenses from your trusted partners at Orange County United Way and leases will be signed directly with the tenants.
This option is ideal for:
- community managers who can make leasing decisions, but cannot sign the participation agreement
- management companies with applicant tracking systems that prevent the reservation of their rentals for WelcomeHomeOC
- companies who cannot accept the extra-large holding fees or security deposits as Full Members
- and those are looking to try WelcomeHomeOC before committing as a Full Member.
Full Member
Rental partners who opt for a Full Membership in the Property Provider Network receive the maximum benefits available from WelcomeHomeOC while also benefiting from the peace of mind of knowing where their next tenant will come from and that WelcomeHomeOC will be there to support them through every step.

Contact Us to Learn More
Looking to reach WelcomeHomeOC directly? Send us an email at WelcomeHomeOC@UnitedWayOC.org or call 949.477.4530.
You can also schedule a call from a WelcomeHomeOC staff member at a time that is convenient for you through the Calendly app.
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