Empowered By Orange County United Way

How You Can Help [Old]

Help us end homelessness In Orange County by taking action!


Attend a Homelessness 101 class

Welcome Home Basket

United to End Homelessness volunteers can create Welcome Home Baskets for families or individuals to help them get on their feet once they have been housed in their new home.  These kits will provide basic home supplies for people who may be starting from scratch.

Social Media Ambassadors

Social media ambassadors are volunteers who want to spread the message of United to End Homelessness on their personal social media platforms. An action kit of how to be involved will be provided.

Attending Homelessness 101

Our Homelessness 101 class provides a wealth of information and answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the issue of homelessness, including: What is homelessness? What are the key factors that lead to homelessness? What is the current state of homelessness in Orange County? Who is homeless in Orange County? How can homelessness be solved? By the end of this session, participants become familiar with many of the philosophies and terminologies associated with homelessness and gain a much better understanding of the homeless system here in Orange County, including the most up-to-date statistics and best practices for solving homelessness in our community for good.

Volunteer Opportunity

Volunteering is a wonderful way to give back to your community and engage in our mission to end homelessness. Those interested in being notified as volunteer opportunities arise are encouraged to sign up to receive email alerts.

Attending Advocacy 101

Our Advocacy 101 workshop addresses the state of homelessness and affordable housing in Orange County, proven solutions, and how to advocate for those solutions.  Presented by Tim Shaw, Lead Consultant for United to End Homelessness’s Housing Champions Advocacy Network, the event is engaging and informative.  Questions include:  What is Permanent Supportive Housing?  What does it mean to be rent-burdened?   What is the difference between a city council and a planning commission?  How does my city plan for its future housing needs?  Followed by a Q&A session, this workshop will leave you prepared to launch your housing advocacy efforts.  Once you have attended Homelessness 101 and Advocacy 101, you are an official Housing Champion!

Attending Housing Advocacy Messaging:  Changing Hearts & Minds Through Story

Our Housing Advocacy Messaging workshop provides the skills necessary to effectively advocate for permanent supportive and affordable housing developments, engage in your city’s Housing Element process, and change the narrative around homelessness and affordable housing.  Learn the techniques used by national leaders to spread your pro-housing message and to effect change.

Attending Advocacy Engagement Workshops

In addition to our other workshops, we hold special events with topics including a deeper dive into housing policy, navigating the Housing Element process, and leadership training.  Also, don’t forget to join us for our monthly networking opportunities via themed Happy Hours!

Get Involved in Your Community!

In 2020, the agencies involved in the Service Provider Network provided services that supported more than 173,000 people and provided homelessness prevention assistance to more than 8,100 people. These agencies have a variety of ways for residents like you to get involved and support their remarkable work.

YOU can be a part of the solution and make a difference! Explore the map below to see what service providers are near you and click on an organization to find opportunities to volunteer.

Learn More

Discover more about how we’re engaging Orange County community leaders and residents.

Sign our petition to end homelessness

“As a citizen of Orange County, I will do everything I can to ensure that integrated and sustainable solutions are implemented for my neighbors experiencing homelessness and, together, we can #endHomelessnessOC.”